I’m not dead yet!
Darlings, the move was a DISASTER. But it’s over! Now I just have to deal with my guilt over not being able to help unpack. J the Magnificent bought me Animal Crossing to occupy my brain instead, so my life the last month has been this

and this

J is doing what he can, and people are offering to help, but so much is dependent on other things – for instance, I can’t have most of those boxes unpacked until I get shelves installed because I have no places to PUT things yet. My awesome brother is helping with the shelves (as well as refinishing the floors before we moved in, and installing sink and toilets, and moving an entire wall) but he’s on-call as a tow driver so he can’t come over regularly to help.
So it’s moving sloooooowly.
This might well take the rest of my life (har har) but we’ll get it there. In the meantime I’m set up enough to be comfortable in my nest of a bed, the cats are introducing themselves to each other, and I have animals to cross.
I’m doing okay. I hope you are, too.